again it's me dealing with Apple Keyboards... I got the latest [1],
which unfortunately lacks an Insert key (yes, I could type 'i' instead
of hitting Intert inside vim, but I'd like to get my Ins key back... you

till today I used keyfuzz to remap KEY_F13 to the (missing since ever!)
KEY_SYSRQ, this way:
echo "0x00070068 99" | keyfuzz -s -d/dev/input/event1

today I spent hours on trying to understand how the above worked. what I
learned today is:
* usage code is split into PAGE and the CODE itself... so, I see my
usage code is 0x68 of page 7 (but I didn't find in the hid code
where/what are those pages)
* usage code is mapped thru the hid_keyboard[256] array at

so I believed now I know how to find more usage codes, but... surprise!
KEY_FN which is 0x1d0 (464) doesn't fit at all into that table
now here I don't really understand how things work (and this is not a

do you think it is possible to remap that FN key to the more appropriate
(at least for its location*) INS key [with keyfuzz]?
can you give me the usage code?
please, more generally, teach me how to find those usages in such
situations.. I would really appreciate!

*: would otherwise be reasonable to fix this stuff in hid-input or
whatever, hard-replacing that key?
a FN key which does not act like a modifier** is totally useless for me,
while missing the INS key it is a big handicap.

**: on Macs, the FN key combined with the special keys should output one
of: 113 (Mute), 114 (VolumeDown), 115 (VolumeUp), 161 (EjectCD), 163
(NextSong), 164 (PlayPause), 165 (PreviousSong). [[this does not happen
on linux, or at least I can't hit those keycodes - tested in evtest-
using FN+F##... so my guess that FN doesn't act as a modifier]]
those keycode should came out of the second input devices (yes, the
apple USB keyboard is seen as two distinct event devices, one for
keyboard, one for special keys)

you can see Fn in place of Insert, and the special function keys F7~F12
(apparently not working)

#include <stdio.h>

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