On Sat, 1 Mar 2008, Annick et Jean-Philippe wrote:

> Happy owner of a G25, I would be even happier if :
> - I could get the 3rd to 6th and Reverse gear working,
> - I could get the clutch pedal to be recognized ...
> All the tools I've used to test the device (jstest, freeglut tools,
> SDL tools, plib tools) say nearly the same :
> - 1 hat and 2 axes, or 3 axes (I miss one),
> - only 12 buttons (I miss at least 5, may be 7)
> So it's a driver issue ...

Please compile your kernel with CONFIG_HID_DEBUG and modprobe the 'hid' 
module with 'debug=1' parameter. Then perform all the operations that 
don't seem to work (i.e. press the non-working buttons, etc), and send me 
the annotated dmesg output (i.e. "this appeared when I pressed that 
button", etc).


Jiri Kosina

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