On Fri, 1 Sep 2000, Daniel Phillips wrote:

> Linda Walsh wrote:
> > It may not matter too too much, but blocks are being passed around as
> > 'ints'.  On the ia32 architecture, this implies a maximum of 512*2G->1T
> > disk size.  Probably don't need to worry about this today, but in a few
> > years?  Should we be changing the internal interfaces to use a long (or
> > a long unsigned -- why signed?) Maybe for 2.5/2.6 timeframe?  Just
> > curious...
> As far as the VFS goes, this is only in the fs-dependent part of the
> inode.  The practical effect is the same.
> What I'd like to add is: while we're at it, how about losing the 512
> byte magic multiplier and go with the filesystem block size?  That way
> Ext2 file size automatically goes up by a factor of 8 every time we
> manage to double the filesystem block size (blocksize*2 and triple
> indirect => 2**3).

And what, pray tell, is the fs block size when you do tar cf /dev/hdc?
Or fsck /dev/hdc1, for that matter...

Device layer has no business to know about the filesystem. Really.

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