Hello Alan (& Others) ,  How about describing what it breaks ?
        I know that invoking the God Linus's name can just get people
        to back down .  So I ask for myself as well as others ...
        what , where , when , why , who .    Hth ,  JimL

On Fri, 1 Sep 2000, Alan Cox wrote:
> > > Since 2.2.17 isnt out yet I've released 2.2.18pre1 versus 2.2.17pre20. So 
> > > you need to grab 2.2.16 then apply the 2.2.17pre20 patch then the 2.2.18pre
> > > patch of choice.
> > Well, I'm asking again, as usual, are you planning to integrate
> > kernel-space NFSv3? I'd appreciate if you did.
> People would appreciate lots of things but stability happens to come first.
> Thats why its primarily focussed on driver stuff not on revamping the 
> internals. Right now Im not happy with the nfsv3 stuff I last looked at and
> it seems to still contain things Linus rejected a while back.
> I'd love to have raid 0.90, nfsv3 and the new ide stuff in but I cannot see
> a path for that without breaking a supposedly stable product for other people
> which is simply not acceptable.
> Alan
       | James   W.   Laferriere | System  Techniques | Give me VMS     |
       | Network        Engineer | 25416      22nd So |  Give me Linux  |
       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | DesMoines WA 98198 |   only  on  AXP |

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