Theodore Y. Ts'o wrote:
>    > I've told Linus several times about this problems but he puts out one
>    > test release after the other without this fixed.
>    This is kinda important, I run DNS tools which are threaded amongst
>    numerous other threaded programs a lot.  What needs to be done to fix it?
> I suspect it's going to require a kernel developer who is willing (and
> has the time) to tackle this as their own project, preferably someone
> who is trusted by Linus for having "good taste".  
> The only problem is that the set of people who are (a) kernel
> developers, (b) understand Posix threads in all of their ugly, gory
> detail, and (c) have survived with their sense of good taste intact
> seems to be relatively small.

How about simply changing the bit, so that old threaded programs either
(a) fail or (b) work, but don't (c) go haywire?

-- Jamie
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