>    Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 07:28:22 -0700
>    From: David Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    Well, how about backing out the threads change until somebody is
>    ready to fix everything involved.  I haven't the time, depth of
>    knowledge, or rep for this.  At present the only thing it seems to do
>    is break things.  With 2.4 around the corner, I can't imagine a flock
>    of hungry geeks happy that their threading is reason for frequent
>    reboots on a supposed "stable"*1 kernel.
> I didn't realize things had changed that broke the old threading model.
> Did Linus do more than add support for the new thread groups?  I didn't
> think any that had changed that would break the old LinuxThread
> programs.
>                                                 - Ted

Something seems to have changed, most all my threaded programs that I use
now act strangely.  Pan seems oblivious to net commands, xmms won't play,
host just stalls, the list goes on.

They all appear to be disconnected from themselves, they hang/stall, and
when you kill them you must kill -9, term doesn't accomplish anything, and
they become zombies and won't go away until you reboot.

I haven't modified libc/linuxthreads, the only thing that has changed is
the kernel.  So I'm laying my odds there :)


"The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an
eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was 'involved' - the pig was

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