On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 11:27:01PM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> >    From: Alan Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> >    Having slowly switched every list I have to run or help run to
> >    mailman I can recommend the pain of the switch over the pain of
> >    running majordomo
> > 
> > I suggested this but Matti immediately told me that mailman has
> > several RFC compliancy "issues" which I am sure he can elaborate on.
> I'd like to hear more. I think mailman is worth fixing even if so - the fact
> folks who change email address dont have to send you hate mail being one
> major reason 8)

  A year or two ago I had a peek after I got reports that it
  didn't work together with ZMailer -- turned out that some
  baseline PYTHON library for SMTP does something stupid in
  its protocol line construction..  The system experiencing
  problems was running ZMailer with ultra-strict RFC 821
  (plus amendaments) mode.

  Ergo, the MAILMAN might be ok, but underneath it there may
  be buggy language library..  (may STILL be, that is.)

  Another point, DaveM, was that MAILMAN is written in Python,
  and neither of us "speaks" that language...

> BTW tell Matti that zmailer is positively vicious - when I put my mail server
> back online on the cable modem after 3 days offline vger streamed mail at it
> at a steady 512Kbits/second and nearly killed it

  Oh dear me.  It is feeding those one message at a time with least
  possible resource usage...  Perhaps it can be made less "vicious"
  with e.g. sprinkling sleep(1) calls all over the code, but I would
  rather not do such a gross thing..

/Matti Aarnio
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