I've allocated $20,000 US for this, but i doubt you will use all of it. 
Linux IP issues affect all of us since we ship Linux, so I am happy to
pick up the tab.  Tux is hot stuff, and we plan to use it, along with
all the other great Linux stuff.  Consider it our part to help Linux. 
The structure of TRG is modeled a lot like Microsoft -- we are actually
a law firm thinly disguised as a software company (just like MS)
snicker... snicker ....  :-)  


Daniel Phillips wrote:
> Daniel Phillips wrote:
> > Can I ask a stupid question: Who's paying for this?
> Err, like I said it was stupid.  A better question is "why"?  OK, you
> don't have to answer.  It's 4:20 am here, I should have been asleep long
> ago, till tomorrow.
> --
> Daniel
> "patents never sleep"
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