On Mon, 30 Oct 2000, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:

> > And please check your numbers, 857 million
> > context switches per second means that on a 1 GHZ CPU you do one context
> > switch per 1.16 clock cycles. Wow!
> Excuse me, 857,000,000 instructions executed and 460,000,000 context switches
> a second -- on a PII system at 350 Mhz. [...]

so it does 1.3 context switches per clock cycle? Wow! And i can type
100000000000000000000 characters a second, just measured it. Really!

> Your Tux web server will also run on it, at significantly increased
> performance.

as i told you in the previous mails, TUX does not depend on schedule()
performance. schedule() cost does not even show up in the top 20 entries
of the profiler.


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