On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 12:12:44PM +0100, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Oct 2000, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:
> > > > Excuse me, 857,000,000 instructions executed and 460,000,000 context switches
> > > > a second -- on a PII system at 350 Mhz. [...]
> > Go download it and try it, then come back with that smirk wiped off
> > your face. I'll enjoy it.....
> so in 0.53 clock cycles you are implementing things like address space
> separation, process priorities, fairness and other essential scheduling
> features? Truly awesome ...

Ingo,  This original thread was regarding Linux vs. NetWare 5.x performance
metrics and responses from Linux folks about how to affect and 
improve them, not a diatribe on the features of TUX.  

I wrote the kernel in NetWare 4.x that later became 5.x.  To date, my
NOS kernel has grossed over 8 billion dollars.  This is more money 
than all the Linux companies have made combined in their entire 
history, on your work, Linus's work and everyone else's.  I don't have 
anything to prove to myself, or anyone else, which is why I do as I 
please in life, and no one's comments or snipes dissuade me from moving
forward.  I also am not "someone's employee".  

If you have some ideas on how to improve file and print or help me
get a linux incarnation that can stomp NetWare, I'd love to hear
your ideas.  I think TUX is great, BTW.  Otherwise, end-of-line...



>       Ingo
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