On 2015/12/11 10:15, 平松雅巳 / HIRAMATU,MASAMI wrote:
From: 'Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo' [mailto:a...@kernel.org]
But this requires having these special refcnt__ routines, that will make
tools/perf/ code patterns for reference counts look different that the
refcount patterns in the kernel :-\
BTW, I think even without the refcnt debugger, we'd better introduce this
kind API to unify the refcnt operation in perf code. As I said, we have many
miscodings on current implementation. Unifying the API can enforce developers
to avoid such miscodings.
Thank you,
I tried this problem in another way, I'd like to share it here.
First: create two uprobes:
# ./perf probe --exec /home/wangnan/perf dso__new%return %ax
Added new event:
probe_perf:dso__new (on dso__new%return in /home/wangnan/perf with %ax)
You can now use it in all perf tools, such as:
perf record -e probe_perf:dso__new -aR sleep 1
# ./perf probe --exec /home/wangnan/perf dso__delete dso
Added new event:
probe_perf:dso__delete (on dso__delete in /home/wangnan/perf with dso)
You can now use it in all perf tools, such as:
perf record -e probe_perf:dso__delete -aR sleep 1
Then start test:
# ./perf record -g -e probe_perf:dso__new -e probe_perf:dso__delete
./perf probe vfs_read
Added new event:
probe:vfs_read (on vfs_read)
You can now use it in all perf tools, such as:
perf record -e probe:vfs_read -aR sleep 1
[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.048 MB perf.data (178 samples) ]
From the perf report result I know two dso objects are leak:
90 probe_perf:dso__new `
88 probe_perf:dso__delete
Then convert output to CTF:
$ ./perf data convert --to-ctf ./out.ctf
With a python script, try to find the exact leak objects (I'm not good
at python,
I believe we can do this with much shorter script):
$ cat refcnt.py
from babeltrace import TraceCollection
tc = TraceCollection();
tc.add_trace('./out.ctf', 'ctf')
objs = {}
for event in tc.events:
if event.name.startswith('probe_perf:dso__new'):
if event['arg1'] not in objs:
objs[event['arg1']] = 1
if event.name.startswith('probe_perf:dso__delete'):
if event['dso'] in objs:
objs[event['dso']] = 0
for x in objs:
if objs[x] is 0:
print("0x%x" % x)
$ python3 ./refcnt.py
Then from perf script's result, search for the two address:
perf 23203 [004] 665244.170387: probe_perf:dso__new: (4aaee0 <- 50a5eb)
10a5eb dso__load_sym (/home/w00229757/perf)
af42d dso__load_vmlinux (/home/w00229757/perf)
af58c dso__load_vmlinux_path (/home/w00229757/perf)
10c40a open_debuginfo (/home/w00229757/perf)
111d39 convert_perf_probe_events (/home/w00229757/perf)
603a7 __cmd_probe.isra.3 (/home/w00229757/perf)
60a44 cmd_probe (/home/w00229757/perf)
7f6d1 run_builtin (/home/w00229757/perf)
33056 main (/home/w00229757/perf)
21bd5 __libc_start_main
perf 23203 [004] 665244.170679: probe_perf:dso__new: (4aaee0 <- 50a5eb)
10a5eb dso__load_sym (/home/w00229757/perf)
af42d dso__load_vmlinux (/home/w00229757/perf)
af58c dso__load_vmlinux_path (/home/w00229757/perf)
10c40a open_debuginfo (/home/w00229757/perf)
111d39 convert_perf_probe_events (/home/w00229757/perf)
603a7 __cmd_probe.isra.3 (/home/w00229757/perf)
60a44 cmd_probe (/home/w00229757/perf)
7f6d1 run_builtin (/home/w00229757/perf)
33056 main (/home/w00229757/perf)
21bd5 __libc_start_main
Thank you.
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