> > > > I can very easily believe it.  The US patent system and "justice"
> > > > system in the US is completely and totally insane, and companies
> > > > often feel they have to act accordingly.  Remember this is the
> > > > country that has issued multi-million dollar awards to people who
> > > > spill hot coffee in their lap ...
> > > 
> > > MASSIVELY OFF TOPIC:  can we please stop using this "hot coffee in
> > > lap" story as an example of the idiocy of the justice system?  i'm
> > > guessing there's more to this story than most folks are aware of, and
> > > you're welcome to read the details here:
> > > 
> > >   http://www.lectlaw.com/files/cur78.htm
> > > 
> > > as you can see, there are two salient points that change the
> > > complexion of this story thoroughly:
> > > 
> > > 1) mcdonald's was not merely serving their coffee "hot," but
> > > *scalding* hot (180 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit), a temperature that
> > > will produce third-degree burns almost immediately, and
> > 
> > That's less than 90°C.  Water boils at 100°C.  How the hell do 
> > people expect coffee to be made without boiling water?  Magic?
> I guess selling sharp kitchen knifes in the US is a law suit waiting to
> happen as well then, people could seriously hurt themselves with those
> things!  Talk about corporate irresponsibility.


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