Alan wrote:
>> kernel:   Error: Illegal request -- (Sense key=0x05)
>> kernel:   Read of scrambled sector without authentication -- (asc=0x6f,
>> ascq=0x03)
> The disc is using digital rights management. If you are in a country that
> permits it you can use a dvd reader library with decss support, if not
> you'll have to either watch your disks on a system approved by the movie
> industry enforcers or commit a crime to read the disc.
I knew of course about libdvdcss but I've never noticed before that the
kernel issues these error messages to the syslog.

So you say this is normal?! But the problem with ejecting isn't probably

Best wishes,
fn:Mitterer, Christoph Anton
n:Mitterer;Christoph Anton
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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