Greetings Con & company;

I built and rebooted to earlier this evening, but 
purposely waited till amanda was well underway to make a report.

The report is that I really really have to work hard to tell that amanda 
is running even though the cpu according to gkrellm is running between 97 
and 99%.

For my loading then, this is as much an improvement over the -ck1 patch as 
it was over the un-patched but same version of the kernel.  FWIW, I'd 
also built a and ran it for a day but it was nearly as 
spastic as no patch.

Did I say I like this yet? :)

Now I'm waiting for 2.6.21-rc4 to make the mirrors & see if tar is still 
broken.  Based on the clues I've been able to find, I bz'd the tar since 
that's a fedora supplied rpm install.  Humm, I just now recalled that I 
have a tarball built tar-1.15.1 on another drive, I was using it when I 
was running FC2, so that might be something else to bisect against, and I 
will, bet on it.

Many thanks Con, this is very nice.  I've only seen one split second when 
the screen was about 2 chars behind my typing.  This is great. :-)

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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When a cow laughs, does milk come out of its nose?
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