Hi Bjorn,

On 3/9/2017 5:27 PM, Bjorn Helgaas wrote:
> How hard do you think it would be to rework this path slightly so we:
>   - call pcie_aspm_init_link_state() for every device, maybe from
>     pci_init_capabilities()
>   - for bridges, have pcie_aspm_init_link_state() allocate a
>     link_state, regardless of whether it currently has any children,
>     and save the ASPM settings done by firmware
>   - for endpoints, have pcie_aspm_init_link_state() do the actual ASPM
>     setup of the link as it currently does
>   - for endpoints, change pcie_aspm_exit_link_state() so it cleans up
>     the device's own state and disables ASPM if necessary, but doesn't
>     remove the parent's link_state
>   - for bridges, change pcie_aspm_exit_link_state() so it frees the
>     bridge's own link_state

Thanks for the feedback, Let me take a stab at this. 

Sinan Kaya
Qualcomm Datacenter Technologies, Inc. as an affiliate of Qualcomm 
Technologies, Inc.
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. is a member of the Code Aurora Forum, a Linux 
Foundation Collaborative Project.

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