On Mon, 10 Apr 2017 19:23:28 +0200
SF Markus Elfring <elfr...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:

> > -   if (slot(insn) != 2) {
> > +   if (slot(insn) != 1 && slot(insn) != 2) {  
> +     int const s = slot(insn);
> +     if (s < 1 || s > 2) {
> Do run time characteristics matter for such a condition check here?

It's done once at kernel module load time. My guess would be
"not critical at all".

slot() is a pure arithmetic static inline function. You can compare
assembly output before and after your change.

You can measure the difference yourself using 'ski' emulator.
That's for example how I debugged and tested the patch:



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