Here's what I try to do. I want to monitor from a Linux Gentoo machine with inotify enabled on a directory for new files hosted by a windows share(Windows server, not Samba).

Samba now uses inotify if available on the server side to support the Directory Change Notification requested by certain cifs client (Windows explorer on most Windows clients e.g.) but the Linux CIFS client does not have a complete implementation of the mapping between the fcntl dnotify (the old way to do the same thing on Linux) and the cifs transact change notify request on the wire. It would not be too hard to finish up if anyone is looking for a small project. support for inotify on the client (mapping to the cifs transact change notify on the wire) would be a little harder because Linux's inotify is a broader API than the older fcntl but it could be done for some common cases.
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