Hello Paul & Phil ,  Ouch !,  is this media that loose on the
        substrate that it leaves that much behind ?  Or is it something
        else ?  I'd really like to know what the problem is  ,  as I am
        seriously looking at putting DDS-III & IV 's into my backup
        schemes .  Tia ,  JimL

On Sun, 26 Nov 2000, Paul Jakma wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Nov 2000, Phil Randal wrote:
> > Ah, have you tried cleaning the tape heads?
> the drive gets a run of a cleaning tape on a weekly basis.
> > far more frequently than you'd expect.  I've found it needs
> > two cleaning tape passes to clear this one.
> uhmmm.... ok. I've now done multiple cleanning runs with multiple
> cleaning tapes. let's see what happens when i try the amflush.
> > Cleaning solves a similar problem I get with these drives
> > and Backup Exec for Netware.
> and guess what... it's worked for me too. doh! guess once a week is
> not enough then.
> apologies to the list my tape cluelessness.
> > Phil
> thanks,
> --paulj
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