Albert Cahalan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At two bytes per character, you get 127 characters in a filename.
> That's wider than the standard 80-column display, and far wider
> than the 28 or 29 characters that an "ls -l" has room for. In a
> GUI file manager or file dialog box, you'll have to scroll sideways.
> In a web browser directory listing, you'll almost certainly have
> to scroll sideways. Must of this even applies to Windows tools.
> In other words, this is user error. Somebody thought that a filename
> was a place to store a document, probably a README file. What next,
> shall we MIME-encode an icon into the filename?

I've got a music file where the artist name is 113 characters long, if I use
an abbreviation.

> Fix: the vfat driver should use the 8.3 name for such files.

Let's port that to ext3! I wantet the system to rename my files into
abcd~123.ext for all my life! NOT!
If at first you don't succeed call in an air-strike. 

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