On Fri, 2007-05-11 10:06:17 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jesper Juhl <jesper.juhl () gmail ! com> wrote:
> > On 10/05/07, Shahbaz Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > All the experts on this list plz let me know of any good cross
> > > referencing tool for source code navigation. I have tried LXR but its
> > > not easy to configure for a rookie like me. Anyother as good as LXR?
> > >
> > lxr is pretty good (glimpse on its own as well can be useful). If you
> > don't want to set it up yourself, then you could consider to use the
> > online version at http://lxr.linux.no/

One "problem" with lxr.linux.no is that it's only updated from time to
time.  Maximilian Wilhelm and I added some preliminary GIT support to
LXR, and we're working on a patch to present the list of versions as
drop-down boxes (instead of a long link list.)

This should allow to index all and any tagged versions of the Linux
kernel and present them.  However, I don't have a box that's equipped
properly (HDD, CPU as well as network connectivity) to offer such a
setup, but I'd help in setting it up if somebody provides the machine!

> > Another good thing is "make ctags" in the kernel source dir - this
> > will  let you quickly jump to declarations etc and back with a few
> > simple keystrokes in editors like vim.
> > http://www.faqs.org/docs/ldev/0130091154_64.htm
> > http://applications.linux.com/article.pl?sid=07/01/22/167212&tid=13&tid=47
> > http://cscope.sourceforge.net/cscope_vim_tutorial.html
> > 
> > "make cscope" is another good option. It'll generate an index usable
> > by the cscope tool (http://cscope.sourceforge.net/).
> I like lxr pretty much.
> i`m not a programmer, but i often need some information on "what`s
> the driver version of xyz in latest kernel" or "was this or that
> feature/patch already being merged" or "i have this line of code
> in kernel - how does it look in recent kernel , did it change " ?

You can easily get this information from http://git.kernel.org/git .

> why not adding a link to every kernel an kernel.org kernel,
> pointing to recent lxr`ed kernel source - or - even better -
> make lxr`ed kernel source part of kernel.org (so we
> have "B V VI  C Changelog LXR" ) ? 

I'd support the idea, but somebody needs to offer a machine or two and
enough bandwidth. (Though I hope that it's used rarely enough so that
only one machine is needed.)

> sure, i know kernel.org itself is very busy, but maybe this can
> be done via dedicated lxr machine/webserver someone is willing
> to donate !?

There's *no* way to add this to the current kernel.org machines.
There's quite some DB access during indexing, and making up the
sources on request takes some CPU cycles, too.

> for myself, i would happily donate some bucks for this.

As I said: If you manage to prepare the box, I'll offer to do the LXR
setup and automate the indexing.


      Jan-Benedict Glaw      [EMAIL PROTECTED]              +49-172-7608481
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