If anyone is interested, this is what I am doing before it blows up

sudo tar zxfv ~mhaque/linux-2.4.0-test5.tar.gz
cd linux
cat ~mhaque/kernel-patches/patch-2.4.0-test? ~mhaque/kernel-patches/patch-2.4.0-test1? 
| sudo patch -p1
sudo make mrproper
sudo cp ~/kernel-config .config
sudo make oldconfig
sudo make dep bzImage modules modules_install install

On Tue, 12 Dec 2000, Mohammad A. Haque wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Any one else experiencing problems when they do lots of disk activity
> in test12?


Mohammad A. Haque                              http://www.haque.net/
                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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   Don't drink and derive." --Unknown          http://wm.themes.org/
                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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