On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 07:17:41PM -0800, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Jeff V. Merkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 09:22:55AM +0900, Rainer Mager wrote:
> >>    I have a tiny bash script that launches a Java swing app. If I run my
> >> script from an xterm (or gnome-terminal or whatever) then it starts up fine.
> >> If, however, I try to launch it from my gnome taskbar's menu then it dies
> >> with signal 11 (the Java log is available upon request). This seems to be
> >> 100% consistent, since I noticed it yesterday, even across reboots.
> >> Interestingly, the same behavior occurs if I try to run the program from
> >> withis JBuilder 4.
> >>    So, is this related to the larger signal 11 problems?
> >
> >There's a corruption bug in the page cache somewhere, and it's 100%
> >reproducable.  Finding it will be tough....
> Unlikely. If the actual program data was corrupted, it would SIGSEGV
> regardless of how it's executed.
> I'd guess that the program has a bug, and depending on the arguments and
> environment (especially the latter will be different), it shows up or
> not. Things like not having a LOCALE set in either case or similar.
>               Linus


I agree that there may be some problem in the code above -- the question is
what has changed to make this behavior emerge?  I see it with a host of 
programs(ssh, make, netscape) -- true all are userspace.  Time permitting, 
I may attempt to track this down in ssh and make in jobserver mode.  It
may be related to some interaction that changed underneath.


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