On 2018.12.08 02:23 Giovanni Gherdovich wrote:

> sorry for the late reply, this week I was traveling.

No Problem. Thanks very much for your very detailed reply,
which obviously took considerable time to write. While
I was making progress, your instructions really fill in
some gaps and mistakes I was making.

Eventually (probably several days) I'll report back my test

> Some specific remarks you raise:
> On Mon, 2018-12-03 at 08:23 -0800, Doug Smythies wrote:
>> ...
>> My issue is that I do not understand the output or how it
>> might correlate with your tables.
>> I get, for example:
>>    3    1   1     0.13s     0.68s     0.80s  1003894.302 1003779.613
>>    3    1   1     0.16s     0.64s     0.80s  1008900.053 1008215.336
>>    3    1   1     0.14s     0.66s     0.80s  1009630.439 1008990.265
>> ...
>> But I don't know what that means, nor have I been able to find
>> a description anywhere.
> I don't recognize this output. I hope the illustration above can clarify how
> MMTests is used.

Due to incompetence on my part, the config file being run for my tests was
always just the default config file from my original
git clone https://github.com/gormanm/mmtests.git
command. So regardless of what I thought I was doing, I was running "pft"
(Page Fault Test).

... Doug

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