On Sun, Aug 04, 2019 at 10:47:54AM -0700, Linus Torvalds wrote:
- maybe pr-tracker-bot ignores follow-up emails with "Re:" in the subject?

Yes, this is the culprit. Here are the matching regexes:


Normally, pull requests don't come in as replies -- this is the first one that got missed in months, to my knowledge.

I can change it to be more permissive -- the only concern would be that we would be scanning more bodies, and there *might* be a chance where we end up tracking the wrong message if someone uses Outlook-style replies (fully quoted messages without '>') and those replies arrive before the original message. Both of these are very unlikely to happen (in fact, I believe using Outlook-style replies on LKML would result in mass outrage).

So, just let me know if you'd like me to make this change and I'll modify the regex to be something like '^\S*:?\s*\[GIT' that should match most permutations of Re/Aw/etc.


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