Tool function issues:  Please validate args errors for  '-p' and '--path',  in 
or following validate_args_path().  

Comments of functionality:
-       it's confusing when fuzz_testing are all OFF, then user run ' python3 
/home/lisa/vmbus_testing -p 
/sys/kernel/debug/hyperv/000d3a6e-4548-000d-3a6e-4548000d3a6e delay -d 0 0 -D ' 
which will enable all delay testing state ('Y' in state files).  even I used 
"-D", "--dis_all" param. 
-       if we have subparsers of "disable-all" for the testing tool, then 
probably we don't need the mutually_exclusive_group under subparsers of "delay"
-       the path argument (-p) could be an argument for subparsers of "delay" 
and "view" only.


-----Original Message-----
From: <> 
On Behalf Of Branden Bonaby
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 4:40 PM
To: KY Srinivasan <>; Haiyang Zhang <>; 
Stephen Hemminger <>;
Cc: brandonbonaby94 <>;;
Subject: [PATCH v3 3/3] tools: hv: add vmbus testing tool

This is a userspace tool to drive the testing. Currently it supports 
introducing user specified delay in the host to guest communication path on a 
per-channel basis.

Signed-off-by: Branden Bonaby <>
Changes in v3:
 - Align python tool to match Linux coding style.

Changes in v2:
 - Move testing location to new location in debugfs.

 tools/hv/vmbus_testing | 342 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 342 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tools/hv/vmbus_testing

diff --git a/tools/hv/vmbus_testing b/tools/hv/vmbus_testing new file mode 
100644 index 000000000000..0f249f6ee698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/hv/vmbus_testing
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# Program to allow users to fuzz test Hyper-V drivers # by interfacing 
+with Hyper-V debugfs directories # author: Branden Bonaby
+import os
+import cmd
+import argparse
+from collections import defaultdict
+from argparse import RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
+# debugfs paths for vmbus must exist (same as in lsvmbus) 
+debugfs_sys_path = "/sys/kernel/debug/hyperv"
+if not os.path.isdir(debugfs_sys_path):
+        print("{} doesn't exist/check permissions".format(debugfs_sys_path))
+        exit(-1)
+# Do not change unless, you change the debugfs attributes # in 
+"/sys/kernel/debug/hyperv/<UUID>/". All fuzz testing # attributes will 
+start with "fuzz_test".
+pathlen = len(debugfs_sys_path)
+fuzz_state_location = "fuzz_test_state"
+fuzz_states = {
+        0 : "Disable",
+        1 : "Enable"
+fuzz_methods = {
+        1 : "Delay_testing"
+fuzz_delay_types = {
+        1 : "fuzz_test_buffer_interrupt_delay",
+        2 : "fuzz_test_message_delay"
+def parse_args():
+        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "vmbus_testing "
+                "[-s] [0|1] [-q] [-p] <debugfs-path>\n""vmbus_testing [-s]"
+                " [0|1] [-q][-p] <debugfs-path> delay [-d] [val][val] 
+                "vmbus_testing [-q] disable-all\n"
+                "vmbus_testing [-q] view [-v|-V]\n"
+                "vmbus_testing --version",
+                epilog = "Current testing options {}".format(fuzz_methods),
+                prog = 'vmbus_testing',
+                formatter_class = RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+        subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest = "action")
+        parser.add_argument("--version", action = "version",
+                        version = '%(prog)s 1.0')
+        parser.add_argument("-q","--quiet", action = "store_true",
+                        help = "silence none important test messages")
+        parser.add_argument("-s","--state", metavar = "", type = int,
+                        choices = range(0, 2),
+                        help = "Turn testing ON or OFF for a single device."
+                        " The value (1) will turn testing ON. The value"
+                        " of (0) will turn testing OFF with the default set"
+                        " to (0).")
+        parser.add_argument("-p","--path", metavar = "",
+                        help = "Refers to the debugfs path to a vmbus device."
+                        " If the path is not a valid path to a vmbus device,"
+                        " the program will exit. The path must be the"
+                        " absolute path; use the lsvmbus command to find"
+                        " the path.")
+        parser_delay = subparsers.add_parser("delay",
+                        help = "Delay buffer/message reads in microseconds.",
+                        description = "vmbus_testing -s [0|1] [-q] -p "
+                        "<debugfs-path> delay -d "
+                        "[buffer-delay-value] [message-delay-value]\n"
+                        "vmbus_testing [-q] delay [buffer-delay-value] "
+                                "[message-delay-value] -E\n"
+                        "vmbus_testing [-q] delay [buffer-delay-value] "
+                                "[message-delay-value] -D",
+                        formatter_class = RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+        delay_group = parser_delay.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+        delay_group.add_argument("-E", "--en_all", action = "store_true",
+                        help = "Enable Buffer/Message Delay testing on ALL"
+                        " devices. Use -d option with this to set the values"
+                        " for both the buffer delay and the message delay. No"
+                        " value can be (0) or less than (-1). If testing is"
+                        " disabled on a device prior to running this command,"
+                        " testing will be enabled on the device as a result"
+                        " of this command.")
+        delay_group.add_argument("-D", "--dis_all", action = "store_true",
+                        help = "Disable Buffer/Message delay testing on ALL"
+                        " devices. A  value equal to (-1) will keep the"
+                        " current delay value, and a value equal to (0) will"
+                        " remove delay testing for the specfied delay column."
+                        " only values (-1) and (0) will be accepted but at"
+                        " least one value must be a (0) or a (-1).")
+        parser_delay.add_argument("-d", "--delay_time", metavar = "", nargs = 
+                        type = check_range, default = [0, 0], required = 
+                        help = "Buffer/message delay time. A value of (0) will"
+                        "disable delay testing on the specified delay column,"
+                        " while a value of (-1) will ignore the specified"
+                        " delay column. The default values are [0] & [0]."
+                        " The first column represents the buffer delay value"
+                        " and the second represents the message delay value."
+                        " Value constraints: -1 <= value <= 1000.")
+        parser_dis_all = subparsers.add_parser("disable-all",
+                        help = "Disable ALL testing on all vmbus devices.",
+                        description = "vmbus_testing disable-all",
+                        formatter_class = RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+        parser_view = subparsers.add_parser("view",
+                        help = "View testing on vmbus devices.",
+                        description = "vmbus_testing view -V\n"
+                        "vmbus_testing -p <debugfs-path> view -v",
+                        formatter_class = RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+        view_group = parser_view.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+        view_group.add_argument("-V", "--view_all", action = "store_true",
+                        help = "View the test status for all vmbus devices.")
+        view_group.add_argument("-v", "--view_single", action = "store_true",
+                        help = "View test values for a single vmbus 
+        return  parser.parse_args()
+# value checking for range checking input in parser def 
+        try:
+                val = int(arg1)
+        except ValueError as err:
+                raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(str(err))
+        if val < -1 or val > 1000:
+                message = ("\n\nExpected -1 <= value <= 1000, got value"
+                            " {}\n").format(val)
+                raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(message)
+        return val
+def main():
+        try:
+                dev_list = []
+                for dir in os.listdir(debugfs_sys_path):
+                        dev_list.append(os.path.join(debugfs_sys_path, dir))
+                #key value, pairs
+                #key = debugfs device path
+                #value = list of fuzz testing attributes.
+                dev_files = defaultdict(list)
+                for dev in dev_list:
+                        path = os.path.join(dev, "delay")
+                        for f in os.listdir(path):
+                                if (f.startswith("fuzz_test")):
+                                        dev_files[path].append(f)
+                dev_files.default_factory = None
+                args = parse_args()
+                path = args.path
+                state = args.state
+                quiet = args.quiet
+                if (not quiet):
+                        print("*** Use lsvmbus to get vmbus device type"
+                                " information.*** ")
+                if (state is not None and validate_args_path(path, dev_list)):
+                        if (state is not get_test_state(path)):
+                                change_test_state(path, quiet)
+                        state = get_test_state(path)
+                if (state == 0 and path is not None):
+                        disable_testing_single_device(path, 0, quiet)
+                        return
+                #Use subparsers as the key for different fuzz testing methods
+                if (args.action == "delay"):
+                        delay = args.delay_time
+                        if (validate_delay_values(args, delay)):
+                                delay_test_all_devices(dev_list, delay, quiet)
+                        elif (validate_args_path(path, dev_list)):
+                                if(get_test_state(path) == 1):
+                                        delay_test_store(path, delay, quiet)
+                                        return
+                                print("device testing OFF, use -s 1 to turn 
+                elif (args.action == "disable-all"):
+                        disable_all_testing(dev_list, quiet)
+                elif (args.action == "view"):
+                        if (args.view_all):
+                                all_devices_test_status(dev_list)
+                        elif (args.view_single):
+                                if (validate_args_path(path, dev_list)):
+                                        device_test_values(dev_files, path)
+                                        return
+                                print("Error,(check path) usage: -p"\
+                                            " <debugfs device path> view -v")
+        except AttributeError:
+                print("check usage, 1 or more elements not provided")
+                exit(-1)
+# Validate delay values to make sure they are acceptable to # to either 
+enable all delays on a device or disable all # delays on a device def 
+validate_delay_values(args, delay):
+        if (args.en_all):
+                for i in delay:
+                        if (i < -1 or i == 0):
+                                print("\nError, Values must be"
+                                        " equal to -1 or be > 0, use"
+                                        " -d option")
+                                exit(-1)
+                return True
+        elif (args.dis_all):
+                for i in delay:
+                        if (i < -1 or i > 0):
+                                print("\nError, at least 1 value"
+                                        " is not a (0) or a (-1)")
+                                exit(-1)
+                return True
+        else:
+                return False
+# Validate argument path
+def validate_args_path(path, dev_list):
+        if (path in dev_list):
+                return True
+        else:
+                return False
+# display Testing status of single device def 
+device_test_values(dev_files, path):
+        delay_path = os.path.join(path, 'delay')
+        for test in dev_files.get(delay_path):
+                print("{}".format(test), end = '')
+                print((" value =  {}")\
+ .format(read_test_files(os.path.join(delay_path, test))))
+# display Testing state of devices
+def all_devices_test_status(dev_list):
+    for device in dev_list:
+        if (get_test_state(device) is 1):
+                print("Testing = ON for: {}".format(device.split("/")[5]))
+        else:
+                print("Testing = OFF for: 
+# read the vmbus device files, path must be absolute path before 
+calling def read_test_files(path):
+        try:
+                with open(path,"r") as f:
+                        state = f.readline().strip()
+                        if (state == 'N'):
+                                state = 0
+                        elif (state == 'Y'):
+                                state = 1
+                return int(state)
+        except IOError as e:
+                errno, strerror = e.args
+                print("I/O error({0}): {1} on file {2}"
+                        .format(errno, strerror, path))
+                exit(-1)
+        except ValueError:
+                print ("Element to int conversion error in: \n{}".format(path))
+                exit(-1)
+# writing to vmbus device files, path must be absolute path before 
+calling def write_test_files(path, value):
+        try:
+                with open(path,"w") as f:
+                        f.write("{}".format(value))
+        except IOError as e:
+                errno, strerror = e.args
+                print("I/O error({0}): {1} on file {2}"
+                        .format(errno, strerror, path))
+                exit(-1)
+# change testing state of device
+def change_test_state(device, quiet):
+        state_path = os.path.join(device, fuzz_state_location)
+        if (get_test_state(device) is 0):
+                write_test_files(state_path, 1)
+                if (not quiet):
+                            print("Testing = ON for device: {}"
+                                    .format(state_path.split("/")[5]))
+        else:
+                write_test_files(state_path, 0)
+                if (not quiet):
+                            print("Testing = OFF for device: {}"
+                                    .format(state_path.split("/")[5]))
+# get testing state of device
+def get_test_state(device):
+        #state == 1 - test = ON
+        #state == 0 - test = OFF
+        return  read_test_files(os.path.join(device, 
+# Enter 1 - 1000 microseconds, into a single device using the # 
+fuzz_test_buffer_interrupt_delay and fuzz_test_message_delay # debugfs 
+attributes def delay_test_store(device,delay_length, quiet):
+        try:
+                # delay[0]- buffer delay, delay[1]- message delay
+                buff_test = os.path.join(os.path.sep,device, 'delay',
+                                            fuzz_delay_types.get(1))
+                mess_test = os.path.join(os.path.sep,device, 'delay',
+                                            fuzz_delay_types.get(2))
+                if (delay_length[0] >= 0):
+                        write_test_files(buff_test, delay_length[0])
+                if (delay_length[1] >= 0):
+                        write_test_files(mess_test, delay_length[1])
+                if (not quiet):
+                        print("Buffer delay testing = {} for: {}"
+                                .format(read_test_files(buff_test),
+                                buff_test.split("/")[5]))
+                        print("Message delay testing = {} for: {}"
+                                .format(read_test_files(mess_test),
+                                mess_test.split("/")[5]))
+        except IOError as e:
+                errno, strerror = e.args
+                print("I/O error({0}): {1} on files {2}{3}"
+                        .format(errno, strerror, buff_test, mess_test))
+                exit(-1)
+#enabling/disabling delay testing on all devices def 
+        for device in (dev_list):
+                if (get_test_state(device) is 0):
+                        change_test_state(device,quiet)
+                delay_test_store(device, delay, quiet)
+#disabling testing on single device
+def disable_testing_single_device(device,test_type,quiet):
+        #test_type represents corresponding key
+        #delay method in delay_methods dict.
+        #special type 0 , used to disable all
+        #testing on SINGLE device.
+        if (test_type is 1 or test_type is 0):
+                #disable list [buffer,message]
+                disable_delay = [0, 0]
+                if (get_test_state(device) is 1):
+                        change_test_state(device, quiet)
+                delay_test_store(device, disable_delay, quiet)
+#disabling testing on ALL devices
+def disable_all_testing(dev_list,quiet):
+        #delay disable list [buffer,message]
+        for device in dev_list:
+                disable_testing_single_device(device, 0, quiet)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+        main()

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