
On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, Jan Kara wrote:
> > Today I got a CD. MacOS does not mount it and Linux does not
> > mount it without an explicit filesystemtype option.
> > That is,
> >     # mount /dev/hdc /dir -t iso9660
> > works fine, but
> >     # mount /dev/hdc /dir
> >     mount: you didn't specify a filesystem type for /dev/hdc
> >                I will try type udf
> >         mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,
> >                missing codepage or other error
> >                In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
> >                dmesg | tail  or so
> >     # dmesg | tail
> >         UDF-fs INFO UDF (2004/29/09) Mounting volume 'Wisk1956-82', 
> > timestamp 2006/03/07 16:26 (1078)
> >         udf: udf_read_inode(ino 547) failed !bh
> >         UDF-fs: Error in udf_iget, block=1, partition=1

That comes from udf_fill_super() but which shouldn't have been called
in the first place ...

> > Google gave me half a dozen other people that mentioned the same
> > problem (with the same inode 547). Clearly some CD mastering software
> > produces a format that Linux and MacOS do not handle easily.
> > 
> > One result of this letter will be that people with the same problem
> > learn via Google that using the "-t iso9660" option may help.
> > 
> > What goes wrong on the mount side is that when it hesitates between
> > iso9660 and udf it decides for udf when seeing "NSR02".
> > Maybe the heuristics in mount should be tuned.
>   Yes, this seems like a mount problem but you should contact mount
> maintainer for that... I guess hardly anyone will help you with this on
> this list.
> > On the other hand, this filesystem announces itself as UDF
> > ("CD-RTOS" "CD-BRIDGE" "CDUDF File System - Adaptec Inc"),
> > perhaps the kernel code should be more robust.

Could you send the complete dmesg log, and what you mean with filesystem/
kernel (incorrectly?) announcing it as UDF here ... I agree with Jan,
this sounds like an issue with mount(8) to me.

> > If anybody feels responsible for mount and/or this kernel area
> > we might discuss.
>   I'm kind of taking care about UDF in kernel. What do you find
> inappropriate on the kernel reaction? You mean we should produce some
> better error message into the log?
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