On 8/14/2020 1:05 PM, Linus Torvalds (torva...@linux-foundation.org) wrote:
> Honestly, I really think you may want an extended [f]statfs(), not
> some mount tracking.
>                  Linus


Thank you for the reply.  Perhaps some of the communication disconnect
is due to which thread this discussion is taking place on.  My
understanding is that there were two separate pull requests.  One for
mount notifications and the other for filesystem information.  This
thread is derived from the pull request entitled "Filesystem
Information" and my response was a request for use cases.  The
assumption being that the request was related to the subject.

I apologize for creating unnecessary noise due to my misinterpretation
of your intended question.  The use cases I described and the types of
filesystem information required to satisfy them do not require mount

Jeffrey Altman

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