Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 06:25:51PM CEST, wrote:
>On Wed, 19 Aug 2020 17:18:15 +0200 Jiri Pirko wrote:
>>>>> I will add counters on which reload were done. reload_down()/up() can 
>>>>> return
>>>>> which actions were actually done and devlink will show counters.  
>>>> Why a counter? Just return what was done over netlink reply.  
>>> Such counters can be useful for debugging, telling which reload actions were
>>> done on this dev from the point it was up.  
>> Not sure why this is any different from other commands...
>Good question, perhaps because reset is more "dangerous"? The question
>of "what reset this NIC" does come up in practice. With live activation
>in the mix, knowing if the NIC FW was live activated will be very
>useful for dissecting failures, I'd imagine.

Okay, fair enough. Yet, I think that the info in the reply as I
suggested would be also nice to have, while we are at it.

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