Followup to:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
By author:    J Sloan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
In newsgroup:
> Linus Torvalds wrote:
> > Of course, you may be right on wuftpd. It obviously wasn't designed with
> > security in mind, other alternatives may be better.
> I run proftpd on all my ftp servers - it's fast, configurable
> and can do all the tricks I need - even red hat seems to
> agree that proftpd is the way to go.
> Visit any red hat ftp site and they are running proftpd -
> So, why do they keep shipping us wu-ftpd instead?
> That really frosts me.

proftpd is not what you want for an FTP server whose main function is
*non-*anonymous access.  It is very much written for the sole purpose
of being a great FTP server for a large anonymous FTP site.  If you're
running a site large enough to matter, you can replace an RPM or two.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at work, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in private!
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