
On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 12:12:59 +1030
David Newall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> H. Peter Anvin wrote:
> > David Newall wrote:
> >
> > I think a single ISA bus transaction is 1 µs, so two of them back to 
> > back should be 2 µs, not 8 µs...
> Exactly.  You think it's 2us, but the documentation doesn't say.  The _p 
> functions are generic inasmuch as they provide an unspecified delay.  

Well, if the delay is so much unspecified, what about _reading_ port 0x80 ?
Will the delay be shorter ? And if so, what about reading port 0x80 and
writing the value back ?
inb  al,0x80
outb 0x80,al

I've been wondering since the beginning of this thread if the problem is not
just the value we put to port 0x80, not writing to the port...

Just my 0.02 Eur...


Paul Rolland                                E-Mail : rol(at)witbe.net
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