On 08.12.20 10:38, Linus Walleij wrote:


> This is Bartosz territory, but the gpio-mockup.c driver will insert
> IRQs into the system, he went and added really core stuff
> into kernel/irq to make this happen. Notice that in Kconfig
> it does:
> select IRQ_SIM
> Then this is used:
> include/linux/irq_sim.h
> This is intended for simulating IRQs and both GPIO and IIO use it.
> I think this inserts IRQs from debugfs and I have no idea how
> flexible that is.

Oh, thx.

It seems to implement a pseudo-irqchip driver. I've already though about
doing that, but didn't think its worth it, just for my driver alone.
I've implemented a few irq handling cb's directly the driver. But since
we already have it, I'll reconsider :)

BUT: this wasn't exactly my question :p

I've been looking for some more direct notification callback for gpio
consumers: here the consumer would register itself as a listener on
some gpio_desc and called back when something changes (with data what
exactly changed, eg. "gpio #3 input switched to high").

Seems we currently just have the indirect path via interrupts.


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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
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