On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 12:10:04 +0100 Ingo Molnar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * Ingo Molnar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/akpm/patches/2.6/2.6.24-rc6/2.6.24-rc6-mm1/
> > > 
> > > - This kernel doesn't work on i386!
> > > 
> > >   It oopses late in boot due to an unrevertable change (e3c1b141) in 
> > >   git-x86 which I stared at for a while then I ran out of time and 
> > >   gave up.
> > 
> > hm, the fix for that is in x86.git already - perhaps you got an older 
> > copy?
> hm, e3c1b141 is already the latest one.

"already in", I assume.

You can always tell what I have by looking at the patch:


It includes the head commit ID at the first line (it's in a
machine-readable form - Matthias's scripts which prepare the mm git tree
actually get the git-foo.patch info direct from the original repo rather
than by applying the diff from broken-out/)

Still.  The crash is 100% repeatable and is the same every time.  Happens
on both my i386 test boxes.


and I bisected it down to e3c1b141.
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