"Randal, Phil" wrote:

> James Sutherland wrote:
> > Except you can't retry without ECN, because DaveM wants to do
> > a Microsoft and force ECN on everyone, whether they like it
> > or not. If ECN is so wonderful, why doesn't anybody actually
> > WANT to use it anyway?
> And there's the rub.  Whether ECN is wonderful or not, attempting
> to force it on everyone, whether they like it or not, whether
> (for whatever reason) they are able to upgrade their firewalls
> to handle ECN appropriately or not, is a recipe for a "Great
> Linux Public Relations Disaster".

Nobody is forcing you to use ECN, it is a compile time AND runtime option.


  There is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are virtue and 
talents. Thomas Jefferson
  The good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from. Andrew S. 

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