Adrian Bunk wrote:
> Forks are allowed, so when you don't like the way some software is 
> developed you can always release a version of the software that is in 
> your eyes better.
What a silly thought.  Nobody, I should hope, wants multiple Linuxes
competing and diluting the market.  That's what went wrong with UNIX,
and it's what's wrong with BSD (and what gave Linux a foothold.)  Read
your history; and for goodness sake, the less said on this the better.

> After all, free software is not driven by people whining but by people 
> doing stuff.

Howling protest is not whining.  The whining comes from those who want
to kill the old driver, which is reported to be used, works well and is
wanted.  It sounds insecure to want to terminate one's competition with
such extreme prejudice.  Let the old driver die of natural causes, if
that's its destiny.  And don't whine if the new can't make it on its own
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