[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Henning P. Schmiedehausen)  wrote on 12.02.01 in 
<968mjv$l9t$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Gyselinck) writes:
> >There's not really something wrong with MX's pointing to CNAME's.  It's
> >just that some mailservers could (can?) not handle this.  So if you want to
> >be able to receive mail from all kinds of mailservers, don't use CNAME's
> >for MX's.
> No. It breaks a basic assumption set in stone in RFC821. It has
> nothing to do with mailer software.

May I point out that RFC 821 does not mention either CNAME or MX anywhere.

The successor (which is currently finished and waiting for publication as  
RFC 2821) mentions both, but does not say if MX->CNAME is allowed or  
forbidden. (And it says it's tightened up from RFC 974.)

Incidentally, it's also silent on the name vs. address MX question.  
Looking at 974 and RFCs referenced from there might help to find  
ammunition. But note that this is significantly later than 821.

So don't tell us about stuff set in stone in RFC XYZ, when it's plain  
you've never looked at that RFC.

MfG Kai
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