On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Christopher Chimelis wrote:

> > Just curious, are there any plans to put Mosix into the standard kernel,
> > maybe in 2.5, so folks could just configure it and go? it seems that the
> > number of people with more than one computer might make this a feature
> > many would at least want to try, especially if it was available as an
> > option by default. Is there anything in the Mosix folks' implementation
> > that would prevent this?
> I can't speak for the kernel folks, but has it been ported to
> architectures other than i386 yet? Last I heard, it hadn't been, but that
> was a very long time ago.

At any rate, that doesn't seem like a barrier to entry, and might even
encourage folks to work on porting it to the other architectures.

be well,

> C

Zack Brown

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