On Mar 1, 20:13, Tim Wright wrote:
[discussion about commercial customers and kernels snipped]

I don't think we disagree, actually.  My point was a different one.
With vendor-patched kernels you can either stick to the hacked kernel
or you can move on to an ftp.kernel.org kernel.  For the type of hacks
that RedHat & co are doing it shouldn't matter.  If it did, I mean if
they deliver hacked software that only works with a hacked kernel,
*then* I would be angry.  That would mean that I would have to track
the patches they did, and apply them myself to new kernels.  OR I
would have to sit back and wait for them to come out with an updated
distro, sometime in the future.  Not good.

What was brought up in this discussion about clustering patches was
that that kind of model would be a good idea.  I disagree.  One thing
is to deliver patches because integration is not currently possible, or 
practical, or whatever, but to point to the RedHat hacked-kernels-are-us 
model as a *goal*, that's what I don't like.  It's sometimes a necessity,
but it's not something that should be encouraged.

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