Then run this and see if you live.

On Wed, 7 Mar 2001, Craig Ruff wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 12:32:08PM -0800, Andre Hedrick wrote:
> > The SCSI low-level format glue performed by the HOST gets destroyed
> > If you write to LBA Zero.
> This is simply not true.  I write to SCSI disk's block 0 all of the time
> and never loose data.  Obviously, you can lose the partition information
> if that is where it is kept.  I've also never had trouble with SCSI
> disks correctly writing multiple sectors starting at block zero.  This
> includes older Quantum drives.
> -
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Andre Hedrick
Linux ATA Development
ASL Kernel Development
ASL, Inc.                                     Toll free: 1-877-ASL-3535
1757 Houret Court                             Fax: 1-408-941-2071
Milpitas, CA 95035                            Web:
/* scsikiller.c */

#include <sys/ioctl.h>

#include <sys/fcntl.h>

#include <scsi/scsi.h>

struct cdb6hdr{

        unsigned int inbufsize;

        unsigned int outbufsize;

        unsigned char cdb [6];

} __attribute__ ((packed));

int main (int argv, char **argc)


        int fd;

        unsigned char tBuf[526];

        struct cdb6hdr *ioctlhdr;

        if (argv != 2) exit(-1);


        fd = open (*(argc+1), O_RDWR );

        if (fd < 0) exit (-1);

        memset(&tBuf, 0, 526);


        ioctlhdr = (struct cdb6hdr *) &tBuf;


        ioctlhdr->inbufsize = 512;

        ioctlhdr->outbufsize = 0;

        ioctlhdr->cdb[0] = WRITE_6;

        ioctlhdr->cdb[4] = 1;


        return ioctl(fd, 1, &tBuf);


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