Andre Hedrick writes:

> That is not the case Joanne is pointing out.
> The SCSI low-level format glue performed by the HOST gets destroyed
> If you write to LBA Zero.  ATA only suffers the lose of the partition
> table and that can be recovered, but SCSI needs that information to know
> where everything else is on the drive.

Joanne Dow wrote:

> > Jens, and others, I have noted a very simple data killer technique that
> > at LEAST works on Quantum SCSI drives as of a couple years ago and some
> > other earlier drives I felt could be sacrificed to the test. You can write
> > as many blocks at once as SCSI supports to the drive as long as you do
> > *NOT* start at block zero. If you write more than 1 block to block zero
> > the drive becomes unformatted. The only recovery is to reformat the
> > drive. The data on the drive is lost for good.

Hm, it is not yet April 1st.
But then, Joanne keeps pet dragons, I believe.
Perhaps writing to sector 0 of a SCSI drive is harmless
in case one does not keep such animals?


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