On Tue,  6 Nov 2012 21:09:58 +0800
Alex Shi <alex....@intel.com> wrote:

> $for ((i=0; i < I; i++)) ; do while true; do : ; done & done
> Checking the power consuming with a powermeter on the NHM EP.
>       powersaving     performance
> I = 2   148w            160w
> I = 4   175w            181w
> I = 8   207w            224w
> I = 16  324w            324w
> On a SNB laptop(4 cores *HT)
>       powersaving     performance
> I = 2   28w             35w
> I = 4   38w             52w
> I = 6   44w             54w
> I = 8   56w             56w
> On the SNB EP machine, when I = 16, power saved more than 100 Watts.

Confused.  According to the above table, at I=16 the EP machine saved 0
watts.  Typo in the data?

Also, that's a pretty narrow test - it's doing fork and exec at very
high frequency and things such as task placement decisions at process
startup might be affecting the results.  Also, the load will be quite
kernel-intensive, as opposed to the more typical userspace-intensive

So, please run a broader set of tests so we can see the effects?
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