With kernel 3.8-rc1, my nightly Bacula backup job reproducibly aborts
20 minutes into spooling with a "broken pipe" error on the network
socket connecting the file and storage daemons:

31-Dec 00:45 xenon-sd JobId 859: Spooling data ...
31-Dec 01:04 xenon-fd JobId 859: Error: bsock.c:429 Write error sending
65536 bytes to Storage daemon:xenon:9103: ERR=Broken pipe
31-Dec 01:04 xenon-fd JobId 859: Fatal error: backup.c:1200 Network send
error to SD. ERR=Broken pipe
31-Dec 01:04 xenon-dir JobId 859: Error: Director's comm line to SD dropped.

Returning to kernel 3.7.1 makes it work again. (Provided the crash
I reported in http://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=135337052232021&w=2
doesn't hit, of course.)

Intel Pentium D, Intel DQ965GF mainboard, 6 GB RAM
onboard S-ATA controller driving two 500 GB S-ATA disks
and a Pioneer DVR-216D DVD-RW drive
Adaptec 29160B Ultra160 SCSI adapter driving a
Tandberg TS400 LTO-2 tape drive
openSUSE 11.4 userspace
Bacula 5.2.12, all daemons on the same machine, spooling to local disk


Tilman Schmidt                    E-Mail: til...@imap.cc
Bonn, Germany
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