In list.kernel, you wrote:
>On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 06:14:33PM -0700, Michael Peddemors wrote:
>> I think that this is one list where we have to keep the ability to post
>> from individuals separate from the need to make sure that their ISP or
>> company is compliant to a set a of rules..  The LKML can't toe the
>> strictest of lines, without loosing some possibly valuable
>> contributors..
>       Well, comparing how much spam goes thru linux-mm vs. linux-kernel,
>       I would say our methods are fairly effective.

A stupid measure, since you cannot determine what was rejected, i.e. how
many babies you threw out with the bathwater.

>       The incentive behind the DUL is to force users not to post
>       straight out to the world, but to use their ISP's servers
>       for outbound email --- normal M$ users do that, after all.

Some ISPs rely on crap software & OS to process email, and have other
bad habits besides.  Censorship usually does more bad than good
(especially since dealing with 80% of the spam is trivial for
procmail), as has been pointed out in this case.  The stupidity of the
this approach is well shown by the email-blacklist groups blacklisting
each other, I would think that lkml had more brains.

Controlling email is a power game, where you set yourself up as a tin
god and proclaim that you alone know what is safe for the "dumb"
masses to read.  Perhaps the lkml sheep will abide by such control, but
I would think that 'free software' would have 'free discussions'.

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