On Sun, Apr 08, 2001 at 12:56:21PM +1000, john slee wrote:
> > Some ISPs rely on crap software & OS to process email, and have other
> so you don't use those ISPs

Not always an option.  There are many places in the world in which your
ISP is a monopoly.  And even in your simplistic view of the world, there
are many places in the United States where you are held captibe by not
having more than one local ISP.  That's even more true of broadband
connections.  Monopoly service is the rule there, not the exception.

Even in those cases where broadband users are given a choice of providers,
they have to know to ask for that choice since it is never offered and by
exercising that choice you will usually find the price to be at least
double if not triple - often through no fault of your chosen ISP.  If you
order DSL without your telco's ISP, you'll usually discover a great many
"fees" they only elect to charge if you don't cooperate.

My beef is and always has been with the DUL specifically.  I have no issue
with the RBL or RSS lists.  ORBS ... well, they called one of my old ISPs'
mail an open relay when it wasn't and took 3 months to decide to rectify
the situation and remove us from their list.  That doesn't instill much
confidence.  The DUL however is blatant discrimination based on connection
class rather than any real evidence that spammers are at all affected by
it.  In fact, DUL users have no idea if the mail they block is spam or

For the record, my spam filters (procmail rules) stop 19 out of 20 spams
from ever landing in my inbox.  Of those, 1 in 30 (or less) was a valid
email that was mistakenly identified.  I know this because I check the
folder I save those mails to about once a week on average for false
positives.  The rule that catches the most?  * ! ^TOknghtbrd - perhaps the
oldest spam detector ever and it catches almost all spam without keyword
match or anything else.

Okay, end of rant, please think about it, etc.

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                Free software developer

<_Anarchy_> Argh.. who's handing out the paper bags  8)

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