>I just ran netscape which for some reason or another went totally
>whacky and gobbled RAM.  It has done this before and made the box
>totally unuseable in 2.2.17-2.2.19 befor the kernel killed 90% of
>my running apps before getting the right one.  This time, it
>OOM'd and killed Netscape and I got control back instantly.  This
>is with 2.4.2.  I hope this is a good sign!

Maybe, but 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 are still using the "old" killer algorithms
which can behave erratically.  I haven't looked at 2.2.x OOM killers at
all, so I don't know how they compare.  At some point in the near future, I
want to separate my patches out so they can receive individual attention
and hopefully get applied.

BTW, on this subject, if anyone sent me a mail which I haven't replied to,
I probably never got it due to e-mail problems with my ISP.  If it's still
relevant, please resend.

from:     Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (not for attachments)

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