
I have a motherboard ASUS M2N32-SLI DELUXE with chipset NVIDIA nForce
® 590 SLI ™ MCP (defined as the MCP55) with built-in hardware RAID
which I have configured as a RAID 0 of 4-HDD

When using kernel 3.8 in the openSUSE repository
I no longer identificate raid with a message at boot

ERROR: nvidia: wrong # of devices in RAID set "nvidia_ieigdchd" [1/4]
on /dev/sda
ERROR: removing inconsistent RAID set "nvidia_ieigdchd"
ERROR: no RAID set found

In this case, the base kernel 3.7.10 works fine.

Is maybe it some kind of boot options, or editing boot scripts to
solve the problem?
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