On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 08:20:34PM +0200, Andi Shyti wrote:
> Hi,
> This patchset contains a collection of new features and fixes for
> the bh1770glc driver for the BH1770 and SFH7770 proximity
> and ambient light sensor device.

Remind me again why this isn't an drivers/iio/ driver, using that api?

> In few words this is what it brings:
> - /dev/input/event interface
> - removal obsolete and wrong parameters

What do you mean by this?  Userspace parameters?  Did you just change
the user/kernel api?  Or something else?

> - new relevant parameters for glass attenuation and glass
>   factor, lux compensation due to the LED cover or ink

Again, why not iio?


greg k-h
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