>From Android on Sunday, 24 June, 2001:
>>I have come to the conclusion that linux is NOT suitable for the general 
>>desktop market.
>I have to disagree on this. It runs fine on most PC's, as they use standard 
>devices.  Just say NO to anything proprietary. This includes Toshiba. Makers of such 
>odd machines should supply their own native drivers if they want to be supported.

I would have to concur, if it weren't for almost all manufacturers doing this.

>>5: Better support for toshiba computers... well try =)
>Talk to Toshiba. See if they are willing to part with "secret" information 
>so that you can create specific drivers for Linux. After that, I bet your next comp. 
>won't be from them. :-)

I've been talking sometimes on the Toshiba list, trying to get Toshiba
  to support Linux officially (they do *unofficially*, as shown by the
  inclusion of Linux in a lot of their website).  However, it doesn't
  look likely.
I'd like everyone's help pressing Toshiba to open up some more of
  their specs.  That'd be the ideal solution.  I guess I'd go for
  binary-only drivers, if they'd maintain them well.  It's sub-optimal,
  but it's a workaround for now.  :)
If you have Toshiba hardware, *please* tell them to support Linux
  every chance you get.  Maybe after enough feedback from the
  community, they'll wise up.

Oh, FYI, I am running the unstable distribution of Debian with
  the 2.4.5 kernel.  Everything on my Satellite 1605CDS laptop works, 
  with the notable exception of the scheiss-Winmodem.  I've been
  talking with Conextant (the winmodem chipset manufacturers), so
  I'll see where that gets me.  Be sure that if I get sufficient info
  (and time!!), I'll post what I know and *maybe* even deveop a
  pseudo-serial port driver.  That'd require a *lot* of time, though,
  and time is in very short supply right now.  :)

Anyway, the basic message I wanted to convey was that you need to pressure
  your hardware manufacturer of choice to open up their specs so that
  *everyone* can use their hardware with whatever software they choose.
  It helps find bugs ("your spec says X, but the hardware *really* does
  Y"), and hey, they can hire only a minimal staff to do Linux support
  (if they offload the driver development and maintenance to the kernel
  developers.  :)
If something doesn't work with Linux, given experience and the sheer
  number of developers, chances are *very* good that the manufacturer
  is hoarding the specs.  Unfortunately, it's a common practice that
  requires a good kick in the hiney.  :)

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