On Sun, Jul 01, 2001 at 04:50:44PM -0700, Ben Ford wrote:

Microsoft is like a mountain with their installed base.  Like it 
or not, no matter how loud the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow
to it.



> Paul Mundt wrote:
> >On Sun, Jul 01, 2001 at 01:35:24PM -0400, Adam Schrotenboer wrote:
> >
> >>So as a user you are free to not use M$ products.
> >>What if you are IT. Then you do not have a choice.
> >>
> >You always have a choice, work elsewhere. If you're in a position where you're
> >working with MS products, you were the one who made the decision to do so.
> >MS is not at fault, claiming so is childish.
> >
> Name a single tech company anywhere in the world that doesn't have to 
> deal with microsoftisms.
> [ . . . ]
> >>When Win95 came out, I finally got to hate M$. Then I discovered Linux
> >>and now I have a great dislike for M$ and their products.
> >>
> >This makes absolutely no sense. You didn't have a problem with MS originally,
> >but as soon as Win95 came out you instantly hated them? A few issues with an
> >OS are hardly valid grounds for "hating" a company.
> >
> >Also, I don't see how once you discovered Linux your hatred for MS grew. This
> >also makes very little sense. If you were sitting there using MS products of
> >
> It makes perfect sense to me.  Take my family as an example.  My wife 
> used Windows because she didn't know anything else existed.  She crashed 
> and rebooted quite frequently and never knew there was an alternative. 
>  Then she met me and was rather astounded that I hadn't rebooted my 
> machine in months.  Now she hates Microsoft because she realizes what 
> bullshit she went through.
> [ . . . ]
> >Oh please, next you'll be blaming world hunger on MS because third world
> >countries can't afford licenses of win2k.
> >
> Well, when you realize that Bill Gates (not MS, just Bill Gates 
> personally) has enough money to give every person in the world $10 out 
> of his pocket, then you see this argument in a different light.
> (Disclaimer:  This statistic was from 2 or 3 years ago.  I don't know 
> what the figures are now.)
> -- 
> :    __o
> :   -\<,
> :   0/ 0
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