Russell King - ARM Linux writes:
 > OABI compat was meant to allow a transition from OABI to EABI.  While
 > a lot of effort went in to the kernel side of that, which does allow
 > OABI based userspace to boot with an EABI kernel, and allows OABI built
 > test programs to run under an EABI kernel, actually being able to
 > migrate userland is far from trivial - and something that I've never
 > been able to do.  Hence, virtually all my long-running ARM machines
 > here are stuck with OABI, and I don't see that situation ever changing.

I did a live incremental upgrade from OABI to EABI on my systems years
ago.  What I did was to first patch my OABI glibc to look for .so files
in oabi/ subdirectories.  Then I moved all OABI .so files to oabi/
subdirectories, and deleted all OABI static .a libraries.  After that
it was "simply" a matter of rebuilding everything as EABI, in the right
order.  The main advantage over this compared to a bootstrap-from-scratch
(which I've done 4 times on different architectures) was that I had access
to fully functional utilities and build tools from the start.

I _might_ be able to locate the glibc patch I used; do you want it?

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