On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 10:28:38AM +0000, Opensource [Steve Twiss] wrote:

> The previous silicon was only sent out in sample form to selected customers
> and will no longer be available. I have been informed that the new silicon
> has been sent out, and everybody should have received the new variant by
> now. 

> The new variant is the only one going into production and the previous silicon
> variant will no longer be available. Also, the production silicon of DA9063
> makes an alteration to the registers which makes the two register maps
> incompatible.

The usual thing if it's straightforward to do so is to keep support for
old versions even if the early revisions are not expected to be widely
available.  We do fairly often see problems with people still using old
boards for various reasons - the fact that new silicon is available does
not mean that the old silicon has been retired by users (even if just
for comparison purposes while new board revisions are being brought up -
"that worked on the rev A boards, did we break the software?") or that
the old silicon isn't sitting in an assembly pipeline somewhere.

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